Beauty Basics!

A lot of people think that in order to look more attractive, you have to spend a lot of money on beauty products, clothes, dermatologist fees etc...
Well, they are wrong! You can look pretty without spending a fortune!

Right now I can think of 3 simple basic super beauty tips for you!

1. Apply as little makeup as possible and avoid going overboard! You don't need to wear heavy eyemakeup everyday of your life! Make sure you wear appropriate makeup. If you're going to the office, uber-super heavy eye makeup would look kinda-- out of place.

2. Use clean brushes, sponges etc! Dirt=pimples=bad.

3. Essential items: powder, lipstick, eyeliner/eyeshadow. These are the basics I have in my purse. Bringing a big bag filled with makeup isn't quite practical my beautiful reader.